Tragedy of Life


May be this is the time that I should stop getting back something in return from my job applications. Looking back at the story, it was since December 2022 that I had been looking for jobs. At first, I had been looking for jobs with good salaries so that I can build the house in Mrauk U. I keep looking for that without losing a piece of hope. I came back to Myanmar at the end of July, 2023 after finishing my thesis. My plan was to take a rest for a while, until the end of December, at home since I was too tired from my thesis writing and all the related stuffs. However, I got an offer from a local organization after one month at home to work at Sittwe for an emergency response project. I decided to accept the offer to stay with my sister and support her education since she would have to attend her second-year distance education in law in Sittwe and I also had to work there. Seems like a good choice! I enjoyed my work. I stepped into the very first management job. I enjoyed working there; I had the best people in my team. However, just three months after working as a project manager for that project, there was armed conflict break out again in Sittwe. Everything moved to working from home mode. 

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My sister went back home to take a rest after her second-year exam. The armed conflict has been getting worse day by day. In the past, the armed conflict was in the rural areas. Now, it is moving to urban areas. Even, the capital of Rakhine, Sittwe, the place where I am residing, is closer to armed conflict day by day. In January, the residents of Sittwe were moving to other areas, especially to Yangon, for safety reasons. The prices of the air tickets skyrocketed. During that time, my family members, including my sister, relocated to the rural areas of Mrauk U for safety. After Mrauk U was occupied by the United League of Arakan, my parents moved back home. I was in the middle of making a decision about whether I would go to Yangon to or I would go back to Mrauk U. During that time, I was still working on the same project since it is not finished yet. I MADE my final decision I will go to Yangon and from there, I will decide whether I would stay in Yangon or I will go to Thailand. Until I made this decision and got my flight tickets to Yangon, there was no announcement of the conscription law yet. Just around one week before my trip to Yangon, there was the announcement of the conscription law in Yangon. I was not that much worried about its impacts at first. However, when I arrived in Yangon, I came to know the impacts are serious. I arrived Yangon in February 14, 2024. It was a Valentine day but not so seems to be valentine for me. After two weeks in Yangon, my dad called me and told that he was detained by SAC (State Administrative Council) in Sittwe when he came to bring the salaries for the government teachers from Mrauk U. I was on fired while he got detained and luckily, he got released in the fifth day. While my dad got detained, I made a decision that I will go back to Thailand to look for jobs. There was no way back home since the time I made up my mind not to go back to Mrauk U. I am really getting tired of all those conflicts, politics and everything happening around me. To continue the story of job hunting, I keep searching for jobs since December 2022 and I am not stopping until. At the beginning, I got one offer from an organization in Thailand but I rejected because of low salary. After that, I also got some part time job, but again because of payment rate, I decided not to continue. I also got some email replies that due to the limited number of seats available in their company for the foreigner, I would not be considered. I got shortlisted by two jobs and invited for interview for one job and written test and interviewed by another job in March 2024. One got rejected and one got ghosted. 

On April 1st, I landed in Thailand as my 7th time visit to the country. This time, I came with only one goal I will be looking for jobs and I have to get hired in April. To continue the family trajectory, both of my parents have been living without their salaries for three/four months. They are both government teachers and their jobs stopped after the armed conflict of 2023. So, my only goal is to support my family and to support myself financially. Since I have been looking for jobs for more than a year now, I am tired already. I am tired of filling the job applications and writing cover letters that I will never get replies. I am tired of the job trends. Possibly, most of the jobs may want to be filled out with applicants from their network. Therefore, I am now trying to change my job-searching strategy even though I am super, super tired. Hopefully, I will be reaching my goal soon. 


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